Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some questions we often receive from Families looking to employ an Educator. If you would like to know more, please give our friendly consultants a call and check out of Facebook.
How to enroll my child or children for Dream Educator?
After your initial enquiry, we'll give you enrolment forms to complete and return. Additionally, we'll need copies of your child's ID and immunisation records. We'll offer you a choice of Educators (where possible) in your area and arrange a suitable visit time with your child. If desired, we can accompany you for added support.
When choosing an Educator, take time to ensure they're a good fit for your child and whānau. Remember, the Educator can decline if they're not comfortable with the arrangements. Before the start date, spend time with your child and the Educator. This helps everyone get to know each other before care begins.
Good communication is vital between yourself and your Educator.
Please share any details with your Educators to help provide the best care and education for your child. This includes routines such as sleeping and toilet training. Also, inform them about health issues and behavior management tips for optimal care and education.
At the start of care, your Educator will give you a routine form to complete.
Throughout the day, our Educators can keep in touch with you using photos, texts, and our online platform, Educa. You'll have many opportunities to be involved in your child's learning journey and offer feedback.
Dream Education Programme
Our programme bases itself on the New Zealand curriculum Te Whāriki. With this foundation, we aim to create a holistic curriculum tailored to your child's needs and interests. The programme is designed to keep learning fun and adaptable to your whānau's needs. Your whānau and local community play an integral role in your little one’s development.
Every month, one of our Visiting Teachers will visit your child to support your Educator with ideas and resources. Recognizing and nurturing your child's learning and development as part of the Dream Education Programme. Encouraging learning through play and offer access to all curriculum areas, including art, sand, water, books, and messy play. We also incorporate children's interests like music.
We host regular playgroups, outings, and events that offer plenty of opportunities to enjoy nature and meet other children outdoors. To document your child's learning journey, we use an online portfolio platform called Educa. Educa serves as a wonderful keepsake of their time with their Educator.
Please ensure you provide a healthy, nutritious lunchbox and a water bottle for your child. Additionally, remember all our playgroups are nut-free. Also, make sure your child has adequate and appropriate clothing. It is important that they have a change of clothes so that they are free to play and get messy. Your child will need a hat appropriate for the weather and sun block in the summer. If your child is in nappies, please ensure you supply enough nappies and wipes. Alternatively, you can arrange with your Educator if you'd like them to supply them.
Car Seats
Parents/caregivers must provide an approved child restraint for car trips. For instance, we won't transport any child without a restraint suitable for their age. Child restraints include: infant restraints ( baby capsules) restraints for older babies, toddlers and preschool children (car seats) booster seats for preschool and school-aged children. You can either leave your own restraint or we may assist in providing one.
We strive to meet your required childcare hours, and with a variety of Educators flexibility of hours can be considered. In fact, most Educators offer flexibility, with some even providing weekend and early start options.
Each week, parents/caregivers must sign weekly timesheets. This requirement comes from the Ministry of Education, and timesheets reflect your child's enrolled hours.
Please arrive and collect your child at the arranged times. If there are changes, notify your Educator. Additionally, any changes to your child's enrolment must be agreed upon and documented using a change of hours form.
10 days notice must be given for all leave. All leave may incur a holding fee and this should be discussed at the time of enrollment with your Educator.
If 10 days notice of leave is not given then full fees will apply.
Child illness
Your Educator isn't obliged to care for ill children. So, if your child becomes ill while in care, you may need to collect them immediately.
Additionally, if your child has diarrhoea or vomits, they must stay away from care for at least 48 hours after the last episode. Furthermore, if your child has a contagious or infectious disease, they should stay away from the Educator's home until they're no longer contagious.
Educator illness
If your Educator becomes ill, we can arrange emergency care. Additionally, Dream Educator will support in providing emergency care where possible.
If you're finishing care for your child, you need to give two weeks' notice.